Monday, May 9, 2011

Four Easy Payments of $19.95

Hey Buds!

What’s going on? I’m gonna try pumping these out more often then I have been. Before I was paid off in Wampum, which was extremely hard to cash at Chase, now I just don’t get paid. So the pressure is on. But there is always that book deal and you guys to look forward to. Notice how you can comment on the blog posts now? Cool right? Especially when I sign myself up for 42 different accounts so I can troll on it and maybe pick fights with myself.
Enough about Bob for the moment, don’t worry that moment will be brief. Anyways we have been out now for a while now. Flying back and forth from here to there. The guys gotta do a lot of press and stuff before the album comes out. Which is a lot of fun and a lot of time at the airport. My last flight, told you it would be brief, to Nashville made an emergency landing because the lady next to me had a stroke. Don’t worry. She lived.
So we decided to do pre-production in Nashville, we built and designed a whole set. It looks pretty cool. If you haven’t seen the show yet, I gotta ask why haven’t you gone? It’s pretty amazing. Pretty much gutted every Good Will and thrift store in Nashville. But I think we misunderstood the sound guy when he said he wanted to make sure the band sounded huge as a 3 piece. You’ll get that joke if you come to the show. So buy a ticket already. But you better hurry up because they are selling fast.
Seether played their 20th show last night in Jacksonville, FL for this album that isn’t even out yet. Hopefully we’ll hit over 400 before they stop (HINT HINT… keep booking those shows, like Europe, all of Europe, not just western Europe, Russia would be cool, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, maybe some more USO shows) before they write the next one.
Alright bye-bye Greenville, SC see ya tomorrow Cincinnati.


  1. How many songs do y'all perform usually at your shows when there are other artist in concert with you?....Would love to see y'all!

  2. Glad to see you blogging again Bob! Welcome back.

  3. i so wish i was going to south bend tonight!! stuck here in southern indiana =( oh well, catching a show is one of my life's it will eventually happen. love you all, rock indiana tonight!!!! rachel

  4. was at the bogarts show in Cincy last night. loved the HUGE sound. lol i was watchin RJA and MDD's thinking what are those BIG ASS BLOCKS... lol show was AWESOME. Opening bands did great minus a few sound issues.
